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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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1 Subject

Final Paper Sources

Final Paper Sources

Q Look at the final paper directions. The section on the required sources reads: Minimum of 8 sources for the paper. At least 2 of the those sources should come from the LRC databases. Sources that you can use from the class: Mencius (required source for the paper), Tzu (required source for the paper), documentaries (documentary on apathy and documentary on Kitty Genovese), "Barriers to Critical Thinking" handout, and The Lottery. Important: You want to use research of real world examples to support your argument. I have provided some sources for you that you must use in your paper. You have already completed the rhetorical precis for Mencius and Tzu. Now, you need to find sources that you will use to support your argument. For the sources that you are finding through your own research, you will need to identify if each source is a primary or secondary source and explain why. Then, you are to write a rhetorical precis for each source that you find through the library databases or other search engine. Remember, you must have a minimum of 8 sources, but I have provided some for you. You have already completed work for the sources that I have provided, so this assignment is for the sources that you are finding through your own research. This is a good time to find research for your counterargument.  Task: • Research sources that you will use to support your argument of whether human nature is innately good or evil.  • Find research to support the counterargument.  • Identify if each source is a primary or secondary source, and explain why you think it is a primary or secondary source.  • Complete a rhetorical precis for each source

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Primary Sources 1. Interview of various person/Survey 2. Mencius Essay “Man’s nature is Good” 3. Hsun Tzu’s Essay “Man’s nature is Evil” 4. Every Three Seconds: Choosing Action over Apathy All these sources are categorized under primary sources because they are immediate, first-hand data, from the people who are directly connected with the topic. These are raw evidences and original documents.